Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Hello Hello, I’m at a place called Vertigo…

I have what I think is a problem with my inner ear and boy does it make your equilibrium squirrelly. I want to either feel sick or tip slightly to one side. It is really messing with me.

Guess I’m not that good of a blogger after all seeing that I completely skipped a month. Oh well… Merry Christmas - Happy New Year – Happy Groundhog Day – and any other days in-between that I’ve missed.

Today is going to be a good day…I think. I have tons of stuff to keep me busy at work and I am on my own today. This is bittersweet considering I do have my social times, but right now I just want to get work done. Of course, as I mentioned above, it would be nice to work without feeling like I’m spinning. Oh well Uno Casa Mas. No sweat. I can do this.

The sun is shining! Makes me so happy! And, I think the days are getting longer. This is also a reason for celebration. I have loved winter with its crisp air and feather blankets of snow, REAL snow, but I am looking forward to the pretty green grass and fragrant mosaic spring flowers; the warm sun on my skin and the nice wet earthy smell as the land heats up again.

Enough daydreaming for one day, I need to buckle down and get to work. I will try to be more frequent in my blogging. Just incase anyone out there is interested in the ramblings of my life. Until then smile and be thankful. There is always something.