Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Attempt to be a Better Blogger

I really do like the idea of blogging... Kinda talking to no one and everyone at the same time. Prattling on about things in my life like someone is actually out there dying to know. I don't mean this in a negative or "poor me" way. Its just a statement of fact really. So here I go...

I was a bum most of the day. It was extremely nice since I've been going, and will continue to go, nonstop for the rest of the year. I laid in bed and drank Christmas tea, yes there is such a thing and it is magical. Had to get up eventually. I was doing lights today for a special. I think it went pretty well considering I didn't have a lot of practice and they decided to change the lighting 1/4th of the way into the show. I think I did decently and it was a good show. Real Christmassy. Went home and vegged some more and then ran by small group in time to say hi and bye. I had to get to the AV Meeting (AV=Audio Visual). It was nice to hang out with everyone. I forgot how many great older, and I mean that the nicest most reverent way possible, people we have at The Chapel. I've been hanging out with people my age for a while. It was a welcome change. Chatted with people, ate some food and played with some absolutely adorable dogs. Now I'm home and Maggie's jealous so I need to go give her some love and attention. Thanks for reading whoever you are and God Bless!